Valet Consignors

Have more stuff than time? Do not wait, valet consignors are accepted on a first come first serve basis.
Sign up, drop-off your items, get paid. It's that easy!

Returning Consignors

Welcome back! We are excited for another amazing JBF sale!

New Consignors ONLY

First time consigning with JBF? Register to sell with us and save 50% on your Consignor fee!

Total: $0.00

Consignor Contact Information and Registration

***Your consignor number can be found on any of your tags or on the tagging website. Please remove the hyphens and enter your consignor number in this format A123BCD.

Please Read!!  

By checking the box above, you have also signed up to sell on the JBF website by logging into your JBF profile and choosing "Consign" at the Plano Spring sale.  Not sure if you registered? Check here to log into your tagging account.

  • You can find us by searching Facebook for "Just Between Friends Plano Consignor Community"

  • Thank you for letting us know! Keep an eye on your email, as we will use this to communicate changes or updates needed.

  • Please note, choosing a paper check will delay receipt of payment by about a week and there is a $5 processing fee.

  • Please note, choosing Venmo will delay receipt of payment by about a week and there is a $3 processing fee.

Presale Passes

Each seller, who drops off their items to sell, will be eligible for EARLY SHOPPING during Seller Presales for yourself + 2 guests.

Presale: Friday, Oct 4th at 12pm
50% Off Presale: Saturday, Oct 5th at 4pm

You will use this same ticket for presale entries. You can enter with your guest or send your guest a screen shot of the QR code for the ticket, which will be in your email confirmation. <<< This is my most asked question, how do I get a presale pass? Please read this!!

***If you do not drop off you will not be eligible to shop early.  In the event you lose or cant find your QR code, we will have a list at the door.


Did you know, sellers who choose to REDUCE & DONATE all of their items make more money selling?
Studies show when you are choosing to reduce & donate your items, it takes away some sentimental component to pricing, you price to sell, it SELLS, and you earn more $$$! 

Plus, your donations go to an amazing organization, Children's Advocacy Center of Collin County, which provides support to victim's of child abuse.

Plus, there's more! Mark all items REDUCE & DONATE and we will waive your seller fee!
Use discount code: DONATEALL below to waive your seller fee. (Does not apply for Valet Consignors)

*Failure to mark ALL items reduce & donate, while using this coupon code, will result in $20.00 late consignor fee + $5 processing fee being deducted from your check. Unsure if you qualify, send Amanda a quick text, 469 701-1099 and I will answer any questions!

More Shoppers = Bigger Seller Check

Your seller check GROWS when you tell EVERYONE you know with kids about JBF! 

We assume you are already sharing the great resource of JBF to your family & Friends so they can get in on the GREAT savings for the kids in their lives. 

Want to share EVEN MORE + SHOP EARLIER?  Join our SOCIAL AMBASSADOR TEAM. We will provide you with the content to share on your personal social media or in mom or neighborhood groups. You will also have a chance to win $100 Amazon gift card!

Social Ambassador Team shops the earliest Friday, Oct 4th at 10am -  you + 2 guests! 

Sharing starts Sept 1st on Facebook.

Seller Pick Up

Seller pick up will be Monday, Oct 7th 4-6pm

Any item not picked up before Monday, Oct 7th at 6:01 pm will be DONATED to Children's Advocacy Center of Collin County.

All tags must be marked DONATE before drop off. If you choose to donate after tags are printed, your consignor fee will not be waived.
Use coupon code: DONATEALL below to waive your consignor fee. (Does not apply for Valet Consignors)

Staff/ Team Members

One of the BEST parts about JBF Plano is the team that makes it happen, sale after sale! We could not pull off this amazing event, without our team! We are always looking for smiling faces who LOVE JBF and want to help! If you would like more info on joining our team, please let us know. 

Additional information on joining Team will be sent out via email.

Staff are paid $9/hr. Staff shop FIRST too! Shifts can include set up, sale help, greeting, and cashiering. Minimum 16 hours.

Team members are paid $8/hr. Team members shop FIRST too! Shifts can include set up, sale help, greeting, and cashiering. No minimum hours, help as you can!

Join our Set up crew for a $50 BONUS Check + Shop first with Staff/Team. (5 hrs)
OR $70 JBF Bucks
Thursday, Oct 3rd 9am-2pm
Must work full shift. *If less than full shift is worked the team hourly rate will apply.

Join our Inspection/Merchandising crew for a $60 BONUS Check + Shop first with Staff/Team. (6 hrs)
OR $80 JBF Bucks
Thursday, Oct 3rd 2-8pm
Must work full shift. *If less than full shift is worked the team hourly rate will apply.
*More info will be emailed to you upon signing up. Your items need to be dropped off after your shift, 8-10pm.

Earn $40 BONUS check! (4 hrs)
OR $60 JBF Bucks
Sunday, Oct 6th 4-8pm
Must work full shift. *If less than full shift is worked the team hourly rate will apply.
Sort shift may shop 75% off any item marked DONATE on Sunday, Oct 6th 2-3pm

$60 BONUS Check! (6 hrs)
OR $80 JBF Bucks
Monday, Oct 7th 9a-3pm
Must work full shift. *If less than full shift is worked the team hourly rate will apply.
May include tear down help if sort is completed early.
Sort shift may shop 75% off any item marked DONATE on Sunday, Oct 6th 2-3pm


I understand and agree Just Between Friends (JBF) Plano is not responsible for fire, loss, theft or damage to my sale items. I understand JBF Plano will do its best to ensure the safety of my items, but has no obligation to pay me for items not sold.

By appearing as a shopper, consignor, and/or team member, JBF Plano has my permission to use my and my child(ren)'s images in any JBF Plano publicity avenue they choose.

DIY Consignors: I understand I will receive 60% of the selling price for my sold items, less a consignor fee as outlined below.

Prepaid New Consignors $7.50
Prepaid Pre Sale **limited availability $12.50
Prepaid Early Bird **limited availability $10.00
Prepaid Full Price $15
Prepaid Last minute (48 hrs before drop off) $20
If not prepaid, the consignor fee will be deducted from my check in the amount of $25.00 (consignor fee $15.00 plus a processing fee of $10.00)

Valet Consignors: I understand I will receive 40% of the selling price for my sold items, less the valet consignor fees as outlined below.
Prepaid Valet Consignor fee $20.00
Supplies fee will be based on number of tags
$15 for up to 150 tags
$20 for 151-200 tags
$25 for 201-250 tags
$30 for 251-300 tags
Surcharge for processing unacceptable items of $0.25 per item
Supplies and surcharge fees will be charged (deducted from my consignor check).

I am requesting JBF Plano sell the items I have delivered for the price listed on the tag. If there is no star, I request my items participate in the 50% off sale.

I understand at the end of the sale, any unsold items marked by me with the donate symbol may be sold at 75% off. If still not sold, donate items will be set aside for the charity donation before pick up. Donate items will NOT be sorted with my non-donate items.

The date/time for pick up of unsold items is Monday, Oct 7th starting at 4p and no later than 6p. There will be no exceptions made for no shows. I understand it is my responsibility to come during this time, or send someone in my place. All items not picked up by the designated pick up date/time will be donated to charity.

I attest, I am the owner of the items to be sold and each item tagged is in good operating condition, meaning it is not defective, damaged, or broken. I also attest and have verified, each item complies with applicable law; and none of my items are the subject of any pending or threatened recall notice or other consumer protection enforcement action. I know of no reason why any item tagged for sale by me would cause injury to another.

I have verified my email address as provided on this form is a valid and current email address. I understand my consignor check will be sent to the email address on this form. I understand if the email address is not valid there may be a delay in receiving my consignor check.

I understand and agree if my consignor check is not cashed within 60 days of the issue date, a $25 processing fee may be deducted from my check prior to another check being issued.

I understand and agree if I enroll in JBF SmartPay I will earn an extra 10% on my sold items. JBF SmartPay is in-store credit I can spend at future JBF Plano events.

I understand I cannot consign children's upper wear clothing items with drawstrings. No exceptions.

I agree I may NOT sort my own items. Everyone must follow the same breakdown process to ensure sort goes smoothly. I understand by sorting my own items, or having someone sort only my items on my behalf hinders the sort process.

I understand if I consign more than 1000 items and do not mark ALL items for donate, the unsold items will be included in the sorting process. Subsequently, I am required to assist in sorting for a minimum of two hours at the end of the event. Failure to fulfill these hours will result in a 10% sort fee deducted from my consignor check. These hours do not count towards an additional percentage of sales.

By registering and/or purchasing a ticket to this event, I accept and agree to the aforementioned terms known as the Consignor Waiver.

What sets JBF apart? We sell GREAT quality items for AMAZING prices!
Helping families say YES to what their kids need & want!!

We strive to WOW our shoppers with GREAT quality and AMAZING prices!

Please inspect your items carefully for stains, rips, excessive wear, broken toys, dirty baby equipment, missing pieces, items that we do not accept, etc.

All sellers will have a 5 items grace for items we need to say "no thank you" to. After 5 items, sellers will be deducted $0.25 per item from their seller checks.
Example: 10 items rejected - $1.25 deducted from seller check.
(5 grace, 5 items x $0.25 = $1.25)
In addition to this No, Thank you fee, any games and/or toys that are deemed impossible to use as intended, without complete pieces - will be charged a $20 fee if sold, even if the items tag is noted. We do NOT accept items that are not ready to be used and enjoyed at the time of sale.

Here are the most common items we need to say no thank you to, to help in your inspection.

-Dirty, scuffed shoes
- Stained or ripped clothing
- Dirty or Moldy Strollers or other large baby equipment
- Broken toys
-Missing pieces
- Recalled Items
- We reserve the right to pull items not priced by JBF standards.
- Items we do not accept - please look over our acceptable items carefully.

If you have a question on quality of one of your items, please don't hesitate to post on our seller group or reach out to Amanda by text 469 701-1099 or email.

  • What We Accept At the Fall Sale click HERE
  • Getting Started Consignor Guide click HERE
  • Link the the JBF How To Sell Website click HERE

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